Section: 4th Addition Lot: 55 Grave: 2

Berta Marie Krauter
Born: November 29th, 1906
Died: February 26th, 1987
Berta M. Krauter, 80
Berta M. Krauter, 80, of East Jordan, died Feb. 26, 1987, at Charlevoix Area Hospital.
Funeral will be 7 p.m. Sunday, March 1, at the Paullin Funeral Home, East Jordan. The Rev. Walter B. Freel of the East Jordan Baptist Church will officiate. Interment will be in Sunset Hill Cemetery, East Jordan.
The former Berta M. Kaping was born in Soldin, Germany on Nov. 29, 1906, the daughter of Otto and Marie Kaping.
On Sept. 5, 1929, she married Willy Krauter in Badnauheim, Germany. The couple came to the United States in 1950 and settled in Long Branch, N.J. Mr. Krauter preceded her in death in 1954.
In 1957, Mrs. Krauter received her U.S. citizenship and moved to Detroit in 1960. In 1970, she moved to East Jordan.
Mrs. Krauter is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Christel Long of East Jordan and Mrs. Alfred (Rosel) Bousson of Battle Creek; one sister, Marie Luther of Berlin, Germany.
The family suggests memorials to the East Jordan Baptist Church. Envelopes for that purpose are available at the Paullin Funeral Home where friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday.